Owen Jones Idiot


Rather than philanthropy, the super-wealthy should give their money to governments that know better how to spend it

No need to read the article. Anyone stupid enough and so flagrantly ill-informed to make such a fatuous, idiotic statement despite the plethora of evidence throughout history has nothing of worth to say. Fucking moron.


  1. I love the picture that illustrates that article. Entitled “Deprivation in Hartlepool” it depicts a young boy walking on the top of a brick wall.

    It isn’t clear what he is deprived of, maybe his lack of a shirt is a problem although he doesn’t appear to be feeling the cold. To me, it just looks like a picture of a child enjoying walking on the top of a wall, but what do I know?

  2. @Owen Jones

    “governments that know better how to spend waste it [money]”


    Between Jones, Mason & Toynbee it’s difficult to decide who is most detached from reality.

    This week’s BBC QT suggests Mason, although Litha “Spray Tan” Nandy’s “I represent the 40% who voted Remian in my constituency” is a challenger.
    @Owen Jones

    “governments that know better how to spend waste it [money]”


    Between Jones, Mason & Toynbee it’s difficult to decide who is most detached from reality.

    This week’s BBC QT suggests Mason, although Litha “Spray Tan” Nandy’s “I represent the 40% who voted Remian in my constituency” is a challenger.

  3. I was pretty much lost for words when I first read this. Having had some time to think about it, I think that he must be from another planet where governments are frugal and responsible with other people’s money.

    On the depravation front, I would risk sounding like the four yorkshiremen if I started comparing what I had as a kid with what kids have now. My parents weren’t that well off but at least they knew that it was their responsibility to feed us.

  4. ‘… governments that know better how to spend it…’

    Well, let’s not dismiss out of hand that governments know how best to spend other people’s money. .

    Like all predictions it needs rigorous testing by experiment. If the observed results match the prediction, then the basis of the prediction is valid.

    Happily, numerous experiments have already been carried out in this area: USSR, Cuba, North Korea, Cambodia, China and even pre-Thatcher UK.

    The results are in and: FAIL.

  5. So presumably any writers who have made themselves millionaires by authoring successful books pandering to the trendy lefties of Momentum will also be leaving their cheques in the mail to HMRC then?

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