A Touch of Common Sense

Well, it happens occasionally.

The government has dropped a plan to use strict age verification checks to stop under-18s viewing porn online.

It said the policy, which was initially set to launch in April 2018, would “not be commencing” after repeated delays, and fears it would not work.

Well, duh! As any fule no, VPN was always going to be a workaround anyway. And that would be a damned sight more secure than getting put onto a porn list held by MindGeek.

It seems that HMG – now that Theresa May, the vicar’s daughter, has departed the front benches – has seen the light.

Common sense indeed.


  1. When I was a teen we only had well thumbed magazines to look at. How successful would the government have been had they decided to prevent us from getting our hands on them? Not very I suspect, and censoring the internet is a hundred times more difficult. I don’t seem to have been scarred for life, although I fell in love with Sally Ball and will probably never be completely over her.

  2. Why stop banning stuff when it’s working so well? Like with drugs and illegal immigrants…

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