Seen in Bristol

This little example of outright racism:

I believe that this is the person responsible for the above.

So… what are my plans? Well, I think I’ll treat the racist Ms Gyasi and her poster with the contempt both so richly deserve. I’ll also point out that only in a decent, liberal democracy such as ours is she allowed to express her vile views openly and without penalty. Of course, had it been the other way around, she would discover that maybe the state isn’t so tolerant of free speech.

Therefore, what we see here is an example of black privilege and outright racism on display for all to see. And as I don’t have a drop of blood on my hands – not even a microbe – I have no obligation to Ms Gyasi or any of her nasty racist followers.


  1. Blood on whose hands? BLM and Antifa have increased the number of ‘Black’ deaths. By a factor of three in under six weeks in Seattle and Minnesota alone.

    • The whole poem is utter illiterate shite:

      I’m sick of death
      I’m sick of death

      From all the way over there
      How could you understand
      That to walk outside your door
      Might mean fait has other plans

      Yup, she can’t spell. “fait” is a present tense conjugation of the French verb faire (to do). Il/elle fait (he/she does). I’m pretty sure that isn’t what she meant, yet neither she nor the printers nor the publishers have noticed.

      The rest of it is here if you feel inclined:

      She peddles the same tired old tropes about poor black people being killed by whites, when the opposite is the case. Both in the UK and the USA, black people are more at risk of murder by other black people than they are from white people or the police. This is a matter of objective fact, but these racist race-mongers don’t care about facts, reason, logic or evidence, preferring instead to trade in outright falsehoods.

      And, as you point out, BLM went on a rampage of killing and most of their victims were black. Gyasi can go fuck herself.

      • It’s not only functionally illiterate shite, but emotionally and culturally illiterate shite too. Both lacking tone and tone deaf. Not so much a ‘poem’ as the squalling of an outraged toddler that’s just filled their nappy and hasn’t been potty trained yet.

        How anyone can have thought it worthy of publication is one of those mysteries best left buried in a deep grave at a midnight crossroad. With a large rock on top. With the ‘poet’ and the publisher to keep it company.

  2. Risk taker and booty shaker!

    Ye gods, an inferiority complex that has to be expressed in complex numbers!

    What are my plans? To do the square root of fuck all of course.

  3. Where do all these muppets come from. How did we get into a situation where we let these bigots function.

    • The Frankfurt School, I’m afraid. That long march through the institutions that has led to this kind of indoctrination.

    • Funded through ‘rising arts agency’ seemingly, probably funded by Bristol City Council.

  4. Reading words like “black privilege” I naively assumed that the person in question was black. On seeing the instathing I realised that she’s not a pure bred black person at all.

    Going off on a tangent how many others remember that in the cowboy stories we used to read as schoolkids once upon a time where the nastiest insult thrown around was the word “halfbreed”?

  5. It’s enough to make one come over all Travis Bickle, “Some day a rain will come…”

    • On a similar note: I believe that the BLM / Marxist scumbags have done more damage to race relations than the old National Front could have ever dreamed of. As I said in a piece over at my place a while back, since BLM emerged from the Lefty swamp, I’m seeing more people who otherwise would have been either neutral or took the MLK view of race, saying things like ‘Enoch was right’. BLM have not improved matters for Britain’s Black subjects, they’ve made things worse.

      • Fahrenheit, what you say mirrors precisely the conversation I had with my wife a while back. If you back people relentlessly into a corner, eventually they will decide that since you’ve made an enemy out of them, then they will do the same to you. Great work BLM. The fact that NO-ONE seems to have mentioned EP’s name during this whole thing makes me think that a lot of people are thinking silently about what he said and thinking “Mmm, maybe he was right…”

        • I’m seeing a bit more EP positive stuff on Social Media, especially the more free speech oriented parts and a lot more anti Black sentiment online since the eruption of the BLM/Marxist disturbances. Britain, with its different history to that of the USA has managed to avoid the extremes of racial division than that of the USA, possibly because poor black people and poor white people in the sort of area of the UK I grew up in, had to work together to advance or perish alone. The BLM/Marxists have imported into the UK conflicts that are not ours and are using imported conflicts to stir up trouble. This is not going to end well, the obvious racial hatred promulgated by the BLM/Marxists may create a reaction from the other side.

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