1. That has to be the most original excuse I’ve ever heard. I’m a vegetarian but I do eat eggs.

  2. The character dropped from Carry On Nurse because she was just too ridiculous.
    What would her character’s name be?

  3. Just ask yourself what the reaction to this would have been in the NHS (or anywhere else) of 50 (or even 20) years ago.

    Then ask what has changed in the intervening years.

    As for this “nurse”, there are two and ONLY two explanations: a delusional lunatic or a cynical and amoral grifter.

    But hey, who am I to judge?

  4. “claiming she was being secretly hypnotised at work – to“

    … believe there’s a deadly virus “tearing through the population“ that’s going to kill us all if we don’t take an experimental vaccine and cover our faces at all times?

    “force her to uncontrollably break wind.”

    Oh. So near, yet so far.

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