Tempus Fugit

So, twenty years. My word, that went by quickly.

I started this place as a bit of an experiment. Blogs were suddenly becoming popular and I thought it might be worth a punt. At that time, the Labour government was intent upon its ridiculous ID scheme and blogs were a form of expressing resistance. When they were kicked out of office and their scheme died – well, sort of – at first it seemed as if I might wind things down, but as it turned out, the Conservatives have been just as bad. Now, twenty years on, things look rather worse liberty wise than they did then.

In that time, I’ve moved to France, come back, lost my wife and moved into a state of semi retirement, having stopped all my railway work. Thanks to Leggy over at Underdogs, who like me, is still around, I have published six novels – with one more in editing and one being written and three short story anthologies. Neither of us will retire on the proceeds, but we have sold a few books even so. I’ve seen some well written blogs come and go. Some though natural wastage as people move onto other things and some because the writers have died. On the whole, the blogging thing has become somewhat niche. So much so that the scammers have largely left me alone for several years now, presumably because even if I did agree to their guest writer scams, they wouldn’t make enough for it to be worth their while – likewise the trolls. Dickie Doubleday was seen off a long time ago and nothing has been heard of him for several years. The same for Bane who was less skilled and less resilient. Doubleday was at least persistent.

In twenty years time, I’ll be pushing ninety. I may not even be around. So, here’s to twenty years. In 2004, I would never have expected to be still doing this.

1 Comment

  1. Glad you are still going – you often put a smile on my face and brighten my day, your posts about bike related topics are always enjoyed as well.
    Here’s to more decades and thanks

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