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The Thunderstorm

March 6, 2011 Longrider 2

Oh, yes, I do remember;When thunder rolled that late September.Melancholy nimbus, dark as doom;Growling grumble and clamorous boom;Distant clap and lurid light;Electrified the indigo night.Hurrying, scurrying […]

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Land Scams

March 5, 2011 Longrider 6

I noticed a piece on the BBC news this morning. People are being cold called by scammers trying to get them to invest in land […]

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Coming Out at Work

March 4, 2011 Longrider 1

Further to my comments earlier today on the matter of the blurring of the lines between between the professional and the private, CiF is asking about people […]

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Sugar on Interviews

March 4, 2011 Longrider 3

Alan Sugar has some interesting things to say about the equality laws –  and in part, I agree with him. In making the point that […]

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Barnsley and Hyperbole

March 4, 2011 Longrider 0

It always amuses me when there is a by-election and the winning candidate spews gibberish about the result “being a message” for the incumbent government […]

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Turn the Heat up

March 3, 2011 Longrider 4

I feel the cold. My metabolism is more suited to warmer climes. This is why, unlike some, I prefer the summer months. It isn’t just about […]

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Measuring Risk

March 1, 2011 Longrider 3

The news sites –  and blogs –  are awash with the absurd ruling from the European court on the matter of insurers using sex as a […]

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An Interesting Hand

February 28, 2011 Longrider 2

I’ve been explaining victimhood poker to Mrs L and to be fair, she has latched onto its rules very quickly, which is why she was puzzled […]