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Anonymous and DDoS

January 28, 2011 Longrider 2

Anonymous don’t like the fact that some of their activists have been arrested in connection with the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Frankly, I’ve not felt motivated to […]

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Recycling Rubbish

January 28, 2011 Longrider 10

Timmy has often talked about recycling not being all it’s cracked up to be. His core argument being a time/cost one. I’ve generally taken the […]

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Another Pointless Survey

January 27, 2011 Longrider 11

According to the Lifestyle Survey conducted by the ONS, managers drink more than manual workers. People in managerial jobs drink more than their counterparts in […]

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Quote of the Day

January 27, 2011 Longrider 2

From Lynne, commenting over at Counting Cats. God made fuckwits big and small.Some that creep and some that crawl.The BBC employs them all… Ouch! Tags: […]

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Using My Contact Form

January 25, 2011 Longrider 2

Following on from the comments made by the Nameless Libertarian yesterday, recent approaches cause me to comment on the matter of emailing me. Only a […]

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TV Licensing

January 24, 2011 Longrider 15

I received a threatening letter from the TV licence people. Which is interesting as I have a TV license. The top of the letter stated […]