Neither am I

Apparently most of us are indifferent about the royal wedding.

Of the sample, some 31% said they “couldn’t care less” about the event and a further 28% described themselves as “largely indifferent”

My reaction to the previous one was exactly the same. I don’t know these people and care even less about them. They are of no consequence to me and their nuptials are no concern of mine. I shall ignore it just as I ignored the previous fatuous circus. So, yes, colour me unimpressed.

Now, can we cease the sycophantic wall to wall arse dribble?


  1. Well, it is gratifying to know I am not alone, unfortunately it will be cluttering up all the MSM networks over here, no problem though, the good weather has arrived and I have a choice of bikes and routes to ride.

  2. Don’t care. Day off (paid). Will take rest of week off to run into Easter (which I also don’t care about). Look for me in place of much beer and no TV.

  3. As a life-long instinctive anti-monarchist this is both surprising and pleasing. I’d assumed that the Son of the People’s Princess would be able to overcome grudges against Brenda and Andy Panderer’s sins in “our name”. But apparently not. Who’d of thunk it?

  4. As someone who detests the monarchy, I am similarly pleasantly surprised. The only thing that stops me being an out and out republican is that we would likely get something even worse.

  5. I feel exactly the same about this and the Olympics. I’d be happy if the media would shut up about both.

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