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On the NHS

January 24, 2011 Longrider 10

Melissa Kite bemoans the NHS in the tellytubbgiraffe. For three weeks I’ve been limping around on a broken toe. The horse stamped on it and […]

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Sunday Funnies

January 23, 2011 Longrider 8

H/T to Julia for the title. I’ve just had a drive-by trolling left that I thought I’d share. I’ve deleted it from the comments as […]

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CiF and Logical Fallacy

January 22, 2011 Longrider 3

Giles Fraser, following on from Baroness Warsi’s rather silly comments this week, indulges in the slippery slope fallacy. No one actually comes out and directly […]

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January 21, 2011 Longrider 10

Got a phone call this afternoon. They want me in on Sunday. It’s an early start and a long trip, but it’s a beginning. Then […]

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Warsi on Islamophobia

January 20, 2011 Longrider 14

Baroness Warsi is to warn us against prejudice against Islam. Indeed, she says that such prejudice is now socially acceptable. Islamophobia has “passed the dinner-table […]

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What Part of…

January 18, 2011 Longrider 1

…it’s illegal do these twats not comprehend? Plans for a minimum price for alcohol in England and Wales are to be announced by ministers. Shops […]