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New Threats to Freedom

August 13, 2010 Longrider 3

Via TNL, this competition. I don’t normally bother with competitions or memes, but this one is of interest, so here goes… The Surveillance State In […]

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CiF on Bikes

August 12, 2010 Longrider 14

An article in CiF that celebrates the open road on a motorcycle. My bike effortlessly unzips the landscape – now becoming the dry yet luminous […]

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Retail Details

August 12, 2010 Longrider 13

I’ve not had the problem outlined by Wendy Holden in the Telegraph. What do an ironing board, a haircut and a case of wine have […]

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No, They Shouldn’t

August 11, 2010 Longrider 0

Marsha Singh wants the Conservatives to heed the petition from some people in Bradford to ban a proposed EDL march. What they should do, of […]

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Yeah, Whatever…

August 11, 2010 Longrider 7

Apparently Mecca should eclipse Greenwich. But now the supremacy of Greenwich Mean Time is being challenged by a gargantuan new clock being built in Mecca, […]

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Anti-Terror Ad banned

August 11, 2010 Longrider 6

A radio advert urging people to dob in their neighbours has been banned. A radio advert urging listeners to report suspected terrorists has been banned […]

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Dawkins Stirs it Up

August 10, 2010 Longrider 8

I see that Richard Dawkins has been somewhat outspoken again. This time, it’s the Burqua that is the target of his ire. The 69-year-old author […]

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They Never Let Up

August 9, 2010 Longrider 7

The food police are still at it. This time, it’s the barbie (not Klaus). Beer, ice-cream, crisps, Indian takeaways, chips and anything in batter: normally, […]