Andrew Marr, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Andrew Marr has always been a bit of a tit, but now he wants to prove it.

A lot of bloggers seem to be socially inadequate, pimpled, single, slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed, young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting. They are very angry people.

Let’s see…

Socially inadequate? Really? How does he measure this? Evidence, please. Pimpled? Nope, wrong. Slightly seedy? By whose measurement? I suggest Marr takes a long hard look in the mirror. Bald? Nope, full head of hair thankyou very much. Cauliflower nosed? WTF? My nose is perfectly normal. Young men sitting in their mother’s basement? I’m in my fifties and my mother doesn’t have a basement and she lives several hundred miles away. Angry, yes, but then with a great deal of justification – not least with the shoddy brown nosing that Marr tries to pass off as journalism.

Marr is an idiot. And in making silly sweeping stereotypical generalisations, he merely draws attention to it. I would suggest that the majority of those who write blogs would be able to do as I have and dismiss these stereotypes just as easily.

And this is the mainstream journalist for you.

OK – the country is full of very angry people. Many of us are angry people at times. Some of us are angry and drunk. But the so-called citizen journalism is the spewings and rantings of very drunk people late at night.

I don’t drink, so do not write when drunk and rarely write late at night.

Andrew Marr, wrong on every count. Well done. That’s why I don’t bother to watch your execrable programmes.

H/T Trooper Thompson. Witterings from Witney and Iain Dale.


  1. Cauliflower nose is a medical condition, surely insulting the afflicted must be contrary to the BBC’s mission statement or something, someone is bound to be offended, with luck he’ll get the push like that bloke in NZ.

  2. “. Cauliflower nosed? WTF? “

    I’ve never heard of such a term. Is he confusing it with cauliflower ear, perhaps? A truly baffling outburst…

  3. Marr, and the MSM he symbolises, are clearly rattled. Resorting to insults and sweeping generalisations = obvious indication that you have no argument. cf environmentalists, anti-smokers, lefties of all stripes.

    Paid members of the MSM are likely to be particularly irascible (due to being particularly vulnerable), as the internet/blogosphere are actively destroying their tawdry industry.

    Such name-calling isn’t new: Pajamas Media, of course, owes its name to an uncannily similar slight from Jonathan Klein, the disinterested, professional CBS executive.

    The MSM can call names all they want, but things are only going one way. And it ain’t theirs.

  4. Can I just point out that even if you or any other blogger were those things, it doesn’t follow that your views couldn’t be sound because of it or that you should be denied the chance to express them. Marr is the stereotypically nervous old dinosaur, threatened by a brave new world and showing it in the sort pointless bluster that wouldn’t be out of place in the worst of the media he’s decrying.

  5. I wouldn’t blog drunk under any circumstances, difficult to make my point sober 😀

    Full head of hair… Yep
    Normal nose… Yep
    No basement… Yep
    Over 50… Sadly Yep
    Slightly seedy… Only slightly?
    Pimples.. Nope definitely not!
    Single… No.

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