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Circumcision on the NHS

July 11, 2010 Longrider 14

I see that doctors are succumbing to the mulitculti bollocks and recommending that circumcisions be carried out on the NHS to avoid botched operations. Senior […]

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Freedom is Slavery

July 9, 2010 Longrider 3

Via Timmy, our favourite retired accountant is still at it. Censorship is an essential part of freedom Sigh… No. It. Is. Not. The man is […]

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Intelligent Cars

July 4, 2010 Longrider 14

Intel are working on the idea of intelligent cars. The car, which is being developed by researchers at computer chip giant Intel, will record information […]

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Selling off Network Rail?

July 3, 2010 Longrider 9

The Telegraph today carries an article suggesting that the chancellor could raise some revenue by selling off Network Rail. Selling the owner of Britain’s tracks, […]