And Man Made God in His Own Image

I’ve never believed in gods. My first introduction to the idea was at school as my parents never mentioned the matter and although loosely C of E, hadn’t seen the inside of a church since the last wedding or funeral. Consequently during my first term at school, when exposed to such matters as the immaculate conception, angels and all that, my reaction was along the lines of “yeah, right”. Surely, my childlike logic reasoned, if all those miracles and such could happen all that time ago, they could happen now and they don’t. So, despite an attempt in my early teens to fit in with my peers and believe, I never have and it is unlikely that that will change.

I do recall something my father said during my childhood, something that I am reminded of today. Man made God in his own image.

The new form of worship, which removes words such as “Lord, he, his, him” and “mankind” from services, has been written by the church in an attempt to acknowledge that God is “beyond human gender”.

Episcopalian bishops have approved the introduction of more “inclusive” language, which deliberately removes references suggesting that God is of male gender.

Man has since the beginning of time invented gods and they generally take some sort of human form – even if they do have animal heads or multiple appendages. Man made God in his own image and is still doing so, it seems, and religion remains as daft today as it ever has.


  1. Hmmm. This is the God that is the putative father of the child of which Mary was undoubtedly the mother. In what way can He be anything other than male?

  2. This is just an example of the apostacy of the Episcopalian Church. The first line of the Nicene Creed is:

    “I believe in one God the Father Almighty”

    They can’t even get seven words into the central tenet of their supposed faith without rejecting it.

    I recognise your indifference to such things.

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