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Earth Hour

March 24, 2009 Longrider 0

Via Chicken Yoghurt, I am reminded (reluctantly) about Earth Hour. On Saturday 28 March 2009 at 8.30pm, people, businesses and iconic buildings around the world […]

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Southern Smooth Snake

March 23, 2009 Longrider 5

Spied basking in the garden this afternoon. It’s a southern smooth snake (Coronella girondica). Apparently their numbers are in decline, so we’ll let this fellow […]

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Spot On

March 21, 2009 Longrider 0

Via Timmy. This: The single greatest instance of intellectual foolishness today is the continuing pretense that politicians are serious people worthy of serious consideration.  They […]

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Health Snoops

March 20, 2009 Longrider 6

Via the Englishman and Letters from a Tory, this little story. Public health “mentors” will be enlisted by the NHS to offer ‘on the spot’ […]

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Spring Springs

March 18, 2009 Longrider 3

After a bitterly cold February, spring has sprung with a vengeance. It’ll be like this until late October. Tags: spring, languedoc, France

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March 15, 2009 Longrider 2

I see that while I was returning to France yesterday, the obsessive control freakery of the UK government continues apace. Passengers leaving every international sea […]