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Malik Doesn’t Get It

May 15, 2009 Longrider 6

While I have to admit to a sneaking admiration for Shahid Malik’s sheer gall in coming out fighting following the exposé of his expenses claims, […]

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The Demon Drink

May 13, 2009 Longrider 9

Luke Leitch and Carol Midgley ask, what is wrong with teetotallers? I suppose I could cut to the chase and answer; nothing. Still, they ask […]

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How Dare You!

May 11, 2009 Longrider 6

Jeremy Seabrook wibbling in the Groan tries to pass the buck for MPs’ expenses onto… wait for it… us. The anger at the grotesque and […]

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Carte Gris Part Deux

May 6, 2009 Longrider 4

Back in February, I posted on the process we went through to register our two Renaults in France. Getting the bike registered has been somewhat […]

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New Additions

May 5, 2009 Longrider 6

About a year or so after we bought our house in France, we were visited by an attractive tortoiseshell cat. She wandered in through the […]

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Thirty Years On

May 4, 2009 Longrider 3

I recall the Thatcher victory as if it was yesterday. I wasn’t impressed and wasn’t looking forward to a Thatcher premiership. My initial reaction was […]