Jonathan Myerson – Cretin

Dear Jacqui, please keep my DNA for as long as you like…

There’s nothing that can be said about this piece of utter drivel. Certainly pulling the article to pieces serves no purpose as it is little more than “nothing to hide, nothing to fear” – morons still trot this one out as if it is, in some way, a convincing argument.

The man is a useful idiot. He was, apparently, a magistrate. Lord help us.


  1. “He was, apparently, a magistrate.”

    Well, the tense is comforting, at least. If I didn’t think there were a lot more like him out there…

  2. He really ticks all the Guardianista useful idiot boxes: not only married to Julie “tell the world about my son’s problems” Myerson but he was also a Labour councillor in Lambeth 2002-6. Actually from one reading of this it’s possible he might still be a magistrate.

  3. People are syphilitic with fright about 1) the crazy with an ax, The Shadow, and 2) a load of crazies with axes, The Others. These used to be Negroes and Jews in our North Atlantic setup but, now, through media alchemy, “they” have been transmogrifed into (ta, da) Mahometans and “South Asians.

    In any case, here comes “government” ponceing down the dumb bunny trail of lunatic “professionalism,” and promising to “make” everybody safe, the Nazis from Jews and NuLabour and Barack Obama from anyone who can actually think.

    The trouble is to paraphrase Stanley Baldwin, “The axman sooner or later must always get through.”

    The logical response is to keep a gun at home and a good standing militia, not DNA files, and be ready to blow these people to Hell whenever they surface. This means though that you /are/ gambling on the occasional preliminary outrage….

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