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January 4, 2009 Longrider 5

Via Anticant, this wonderful piece by Willem Buiter writing in the Financial Times: The state is a necessary evil.  It is necessary for the reasons […]

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Freedom of Speech

January 2, 2009 Longrider 8

I’ve been following the recent spat between Tim Worstall, Devil’s Kitchen and Richard Murphy with detached amusement – in part because Worstall and DK are […]

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Perryman on Che

January 1, 2009 Longrider 3

Mark Perryman writes in the Groan’s comment is free on Che Guevara: Tonight in cinemas across the country Steven Soderbergh’s immense biopic Che is showing […]

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Happy New Year

December 31, 2008 Longrider 1

A happy new year to you all. And for your delectation, a seasonal image from somewhere in France: Tags: happy+new+year

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Driving Rage

December 31, 2008 Longrider 7

I note that a number of my esteemed libertarian fellows have picked up on recent plans by the government to clamp down on motoring. Motorists […]

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Living in France

December 30, 2008 Longrider 3

I mentioned in an earlier posting that there is a distinct community spirit in our new home. We were reminded again of this yesterday. This […]

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Felix Domesticus

December 30, 2008 Longrider 5

One of the casualties of my recent hosting difficulties is Felix Domesticus. I have backed up the database, but for the moment it is off-line […]

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We’re Back

December 30, 2008 Longrider 2

Having gone through the grief of hurriedly re-hosting this blog, now, perhaps, is the time to explain just what happened. Just briefly, I’d like to […]

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Bye Bye Blighty

November 23, 2008 Longrider 21

As I write this, Longrider Towers is awash with boxes, full of possessions gathered over the past two decades. Slowly, the house is becoming depersonalised […]