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Jobs on Touchscreens

October 22, 2010 Longrider 8

Further to my comments last week about Steve Jobs’ attitude, it seems he’s been at it again. And as soon as Apple’s founder and presiding […]

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Retail Details

August 12, 2010 Longrider 13

I’ve not had the problem outlined by Wendy Holden in the Telegraph. What do an ironing board, a haircut and a case of wine have […]

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They Never Let Up

August 9, 2010 Longrider 7

The food police are still at it. This time, it’s the barbie (not Klaus). Beer, ice-cream, crisps, Indian takeaways, chips and anything in batter: normally, […]

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Intelligent Cars

July 4, 2010 Longrider 14

Intel are working on the idea of intelligent cars. The car, which is being developed by researchers at computer chip giant Intel, will record information […]

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Olympic Monopoly

June 24, 2010 Longrider 2

Along with FIFA, the Olympics operate a closed shop when it comes to advertising and merchandising. The latest case to hit the headlines is Visa. […]

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Oliver Kamm on CGT

May 28, 2010 Longrider 7

I have a feeling that Mark Wadsworth will be approving – at least in part – Oliver Kamm’s piece in the Times. In it, he makes some […]

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Foodies Fight Back

February 10, 2010 Longrider 5

Following my recent comments on salt, I’ve been contacted by folk in the USA who have been facing the same assault on salt. Dear Longrider, […]

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Another Pinch of Salt

January 27, 2010 Longrider 5

Via Samizdata, I see that the puritans are at it again. Once more, salt is in the firing line. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) welcomes […]