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Crucifixion? No Thanks

April 16, 2006 1

The Easter celebrations in the Philippines have a somewhat gruesome aspect to them. They involve young men re-enacting the crucifixion. For authenticity, this involve real […]

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Pessimistic Outlook

April 9, 2006 2

Over at The England Project, a somewhat pessimistic variation on the seven ages of man. It’s a short piece but do pop over and have a […]

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Why Do Politicians Always Disappoint?

March 27, 2006 2

Neil Harding asks “must politicians disappoint?” Good question. Not one that I’m too worried about as politicians have never disappointed me; they have always managed to live […]

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Pas à l’anglais

March 25, 2006 3

Si vous voulez faire un imbécile de vous-même, pourquoi ne pas donner l’ assaut àhors d’une réunion parce qu’un délégué veut employer l’anglais parce […]

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Invasion of the Frog

August 22, 2005 2

France is suffering from an invasion of frogs. The French are now attempting to cull the critters. The French Wildlife Agency has hunters tracking down […]

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Er….Beam Me up?

August 2, 2005 3

There’s a right to-do going on in Scotland at the moment. Linlithgow council has announced plans to commemorate Montgomery Scott, chief engineer of the USS […]

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The Cursing Stone of Carlisle

March 3, 2005 1

Sometimes, you’ve just got to wonder at people. I mean, really… Otherwise intelligent folk throw reason to the wind when faced with a good old […]

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Isaac Newton and the Catflap

November 28, 2004 2

I was watching an interesting programme on the history channel this morning over breakfast – Local Heroes. According to Adam Hart-Davis, Isaac Newton became distracted […]

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Automatic Blunkett

November 26, 2004 0

Try the Blunkett-O-Matic. I’d laugh if it didn’t make me want to weep. Pressing the red button may, as the author warns: …generate actual policies […]

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October 27, 2004 0

This one is doing the rounds on the Internet. It made me smile…. I think there’s a moral there somewhere, too… On the eve of […]