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Why Do Politicians Always Disappoint?

March 27, 2006 2

Neil Harding asks “must politicians disappoint?” Good question. Not one that I’m too worried about as politicians have never disappointed me; they have always managed to live […]

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Peerages “Not For Sale”

March 13, 2006 4

Speaking on the Radio 4 Today programme, Jack Straw said that peerages are not for sale under the Labour government: “You can’t buy a peerage. […]

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Lies, Liars and Boors

March 12, 2006 2

There was a time, not so long ago, when the political elite was looked up to. They were our betters, the ruling elite. That changed […]

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More ZANU Labour Shenanigins

March 5, 2006 2

Geoff Hoon, no doubt irked by the Lords’ ongoing resistance to the totalitarian tendencies of ZANU Labour wants to put a stop to such nonsense. […]

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Political Allegiances

March 2, 2006 9

If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no […]

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Lords Reform

March 1, 2006 5

Dr John Parkinson discusses the Lords today in the Grauniad It is said to be undemocratic, unrepresentative, and out of keeping with a modern democracy. […]

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Coalitions and Collectives

February 28, 2006 3

Doctor Vee has criticised Bob Piper’s remarks about Liberty Central. He chose to take a somewhat sarcastic approach, but there is an underlying point worth […]

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Thatcher – A Retrospective

February 25, 2006 5

The spectre of Margaret Thatcher has risen like a cadaverous apparition in the British blogosphere of late. It all started innocuously enough with a comment […]