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Another Reason…

April 7, 2013 Longrider 18

…Not to start a small business and employ people. A document published for employers by the Equality and Human Rights Commission suggests that ecologists could […]

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Fine By Me.

April 3, 2013 Longrider 1

In a way, that little procession down between Central Hall and Westminster Cathedral via Westminster Abbey was emblematic. A small band of the faithful observing […]

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Dhimmi for a Day

February 1, 2013 Longrider 19

Apparently today is World hijab Day. World Hijab Day calls on non-Muslim women to try out life under the traditional head scarf. Can it lead […]

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I Wonder

December 30, 2012 Longrider 5

I have always been critical of the diversity and equality nonsense. Especially when workplaces are expected to make special allowances for religious belief. Religion is […]

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December 29, 2012 Longrider 5

Magic is the escape fantasy of those who cannot cope with the fact that we are limited creatures, that we will grow old and die, […]