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The Atheist Christian

April 15, 2012 Longrider 14

My parents were not religious. Consequently, I had no religious education of any form until I attended primary school. I can recall even after half […]

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Agree, Sort Of…

March 5, 2012 Longrider 18

On balance, I find myself agreeing with Cardinal O’Bien on the matter of gay marriage. Given that there is already in place the facility for […]

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Yes and No

February 17, 2012 Longrider 2

Trevor Phillips states that faith rules end at the temple doors. Having made that very point myself, you would think that I agree with him. […]

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Religion Again

February 15, 2012 Longrider 17

Further to the faux outrage over the Bideford ruling, we get Baroness Warsi wading into the debate about “militant secularism”. I have to say that […]

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Our God in Devon

February 12, 2012 Longrider 16

So, the saying of prayers in council meetings is not lawful. Interestingly, the original case taken as a human rights one was not upheld. The […]