Regime Change, the Aftermath

Via Trooper Thompson, we are reminded just why we replaced Saddam Hussein.

Youngsters in Iraq are being stoned to death for having haircuts and wearing clothes that emulate the ‘emo’ style popular among western teenagers.

Yup, those wonderfully liberal replacements for the old guard of the Ba’ath party are demonstrating that they are no better. Worse, probably.

Iraq’s Moral Police released a statement on the interior ministry’s website condemning the ’emo phenomenon’ among Iraqi youth, declaring its intent to ‘eliminate’ the trend.

And they mean “eliminate” in the literal sense here. So, what is the difference between a dictator who murders his own people and, er, a Moral Police force (sic) that murders its own people? Weapons of mass destruction? And if we think that it is just a bunch of local crazies responsible, think on:

The killings have taken place since Iraq’s interior ministry drew attention to the “emo” subculture last month, labelling it “Satanism” and ordering a community police force to stamp it out.

So, that’s it folks, regime change in all its glory. Yet here we are, still doing it, still poking about in a wasps’ nest and still expecting things to turn out differently this time…

The religion of peace, eh?


  1. Thing is, Islams barbarity like this and the suicide bombing of a church in Nigeria barely rates a news mention. But when one U.S. soldier goes off the rails in Afghanistan there’s a media witch hunt.
    They are all tragedies, but guess which one despite the lower death toll makes the news.

  2. Religion is about power, control and domination.
    Christianity is no better, not historically at any rate.

    BTW did anyone else note the supreme irony on this morning’s Radio4 “today” programme …
    Where the fat goon Eric Pickles was going on about council prayers and “freedom” (he’s lying, of course) …
    Followed IMMEDIATEY by a piece on the abuse of children by the RC church in N Ireland.
    Er, um …

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