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Rowan Williams – Apologist for Evil

January 31, 2008 1

I don’t have much to add to DK’s and Harry Haddock’s evisceration of Rowan Williams’ appalling comments on free speech. Williams’ stupid suggestion that religions be protected […]

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An End to Blasphemy Laws?

January 9, 2008 4

An amendment, backed by 70 MPs proposes ridding us of the iniquitous blasphemy laws. However, ministers look like opposing it. Government sources say they are […]

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December 6, 2007 3

The Pope is to offer relief from purgatory to the faithful who visit Lourdes next year: Pilgrims to the shrine in south-west France will receive […]

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The Cardinal and Elizabeth I

November 3, 2007 1

The Church is getting its knickers in a knot over the latest Elizabeth film: A Vatican-backed historian has attacked the film Elizabeth: The Golden Age […]

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Dolan Cummings Talks Arse

October 26, 2007 7

Dolan Cummings repeats the tired mantra of the religious nut-cases in the Times today: The desire to belong has made atheism into its own religion. […]

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Life After Death

October 18, 2007 4

Earlier this week, I noticed Rowan Williams spouting guff. Now, I’d expect religious leaders to try to convince us that their myths and legends are […]

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Rowan Williams on Dawkins

October 14, 2007 5

Rowan Williams laid into Richard Dawkins yesterday. Not too surprising really, but while I find Dawkins’ abrasive style irritating, Williams does talk some guff: The […]