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Idiocy and the God Botherer

October 1, 2007 4

You can always rely on the Groan’s comment is free for sheer idiocy. This pile of poo complaining about Richard Dawkin’s somewhat vigorous brand of […]

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The Council and the Fat Buddha

August 1, 2007 1

Via qwghlm – and I’m a bit late so apologies, but I just couldn’t let this one pass without some sort of comment. Council officials have […]

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The New Morality

July 30, 2007 10

Much as I despise all forms of discrimination, there comes a clash whereby I must choose on which side I will descend. Inevitably, it is […]

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A Sensible Ruling

July 16, 2007 0

I see that Lydia Playfoot has lost her case at the high court. A school that banned a teenage girl from wearing a “purity” ring […]

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Stupid Religion

June 22, 2007 0

Via the Devil’s Kitchen; this little gem: JUN 21 – Osama bin Laden has been awarded the highest Islamic honor as a reaction to the United […]

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The Bishop and the Veil

December 24, 2006 3

The Bishop of Rochester is in the news again. He wants legislation enabling officials to forcibly remove the veil from Muslim women. Legislation should be […]

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Christian Payout

December 23, 2006 3

Joe and Helen Roberts are celebrating an out of court settlement following being questioned by the police about their views on homosexuality: Helen and Joe Roberts, […]

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More of the Winterval Stuff

December 9, 2006 2

Following yesterdays petulant foot stamping by the Archbishop of York, we have more folk wading into the debate about the “secularisation” of Christmas. The debate over […]

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That’s it, Blame the Atheists…

December 8, 2006 2

The Archbishop of York is throwing a temper tantrum over secularists and atheists for the silliness about Christmas decorations and such: The Archbishop of York, […]