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News & Views

June 2, 2006 0

I’ve been tweaking News and Views in response to feedback. I’ve added a splash of colour, a “contact the admin” script and pruned a couple of the fora. If […]

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June 1, 2006 1

The concept of ransomware managed to pass me by until a recent news item on the BBC Manchester area. On the BBC’s website, where I […]

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ADIs and the CRB

May 31, 2006 0

I note from the Driving Instructors Association, that ADIs are to be subjected to the pernicious Capita’s criminal records checks. It’s not that I have […]

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Interesting Parallels

May 30, 2006 2

The iniquitous NHS IT scheme, that plans to include an electronic database of patients’ medical records is hopelessly over budget and behind time: The government […]

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Passive Drinking

May 30, 2006 0

Via Mr Eugenidies and The Devil’s Kitchen, this little gem from our lords and masters – this time, the unelected buffoons in the EU: Dr […]

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Prescott Right For His Job

May 29, 2006 2

According to Hilary Benn, John Prescott is the right man for his job John Prescott is “getting on with the job” as deputy prime minister […]

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World Cup Song

May 29, 2006 2

Tony Christie has prostituted himself in the name of football. His hit song; (Is This The Way To) Amarillo, has been rewritten to give his […]