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The Judge and the Race Case

April 7, 2006 1

Judge Finestein has earned himself some notoriety today for his outburst of common sense – or as the National Union of Teachers would have it “out […]

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Lie Detectors

April 7, 2006 4

Via Oscar Wildebeest, this little gem. A lie detector for airport security in Russia. The technology, to be introduced at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport as early […]

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Reflections and Circles

April 6, 2006 2

I’ve had a somewhat chequered career. My original choice involved joining the merchant navy as a radio officer. Unfortunately the end of my time in […]

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The Penny Drops

April 6, 2006 3

Jenni Russell writing in today’s Grauniad makes some interesting points in a good, if somewhat tardy article: Piece by piece, month by month, Tony Blair’s […]

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Party Funding

April 5, 2006 3

Being a bunch of thieving, corrupt wankers; politicians; having been caught with their grubby little mitts in the proverbial till, now want to raid the […]

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Passport Renewal

April 4, 2006 1

I suppose the loophole was going to be closed sooner or later. According to the Register, the new UK Identity and Passport Service has slipped […]

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Broadcast Media and Blogs

April 4, 2006 0

Unlike doctor vee I didn’t watch last night’s 10 o’clock news. So I didn’t see them cover the blooker awards until I checked it out this morning. As […]