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Blog Jet

March 28, 2006 0

I tend to use off-line blogging tools rather than the native writers supplied by the blog software. This is partly because I can take my […]

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“Buff” Hoon and ID Cards

March 27, 2006 2

Geoff “Buff” Hoon is criticising the Lords over their refusal to budge on the ID cards Bill. He refers obliquely to the Salisbury convention. “But […]

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Why Do Politicians Always Disappoint?

March 27, 2006 2

Neil Harding asks “must politicians disappoint?” Good question. Not one that I’m too worried about as politicians have never disappointed me; they have always managed to live […]

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Bumbling Burnham

March 26, 2006 2

Andy Burnam responds today to the Henry Porter article in the Observer last week. I find it hard to believe that Henry Porter has read […]

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Pas à l’anglais

March 25, 2006 3

Si vous voulez faire un imbécile de vous-même, pourquoi ne pas donner l’ assaut àhors d’une réunion parce qu’un délégué veut employer l’anglais parce […]

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Worstall Watch

March 25, 2006 1

Via The Devil’s Kitchen, this Timmy’s got a stalker… Well, blow me, so he has. I can’t help wondering, though… I know blogging can get […]

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Saving the Suburbs

March 24, 2006 1

Hat tip to John for this little gem. A “think-tank” called Demos wants to rescue the community spirit of the suburbs according to this Grauniad […]

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The Penny Drops

March 23, 2006 0

Oh, my God! I’ve just had one of those inverse Eureka moments. WordPress has the facility to display the permalink structure in a logical manner […]

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Blog Update

March 23, 2006 1

Phew! I’ve almost finished restoring March and February. There are still a couple of posts and some comments to put back up. Lessons learned: The […]