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Immigration and Islam

January 7, 2006 2

There’s been an interesting discussion going on over at the Devil’s Kitchen on the matter of Islam – in particular, the nasty, violent manifestation that […]

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Forced Labour

January 5, 2006 2

If anyone had any doubts about David Cameron, his true colours shine through with this announcement. "School-leavers could be forced to do community work under […]

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DNA Database

January 5, 2006 0

The DNA Database continues to swell at an alarming rate. There are those who think this is a wonderful thing and that we should all […]

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Harry’s Open Heart Surgery

January 4, 2006 2

Harry is a cat. A great big fluffy grey cat. He was featured on the BBC Breakfast programme this morning because he has recently undergone […]

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Conspiracy Theorists

January 3, 2006 0

They’ve been around as long as I can recall; those people who question the official version of events to the point of deranged lunacy. The […]

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U Turn? Denial? Wot?

January 3, 2006 0

Via Spyblog, this denial by John Prescott that his department plans to use satellites to spy on our home improvements. “A spokeswoman for the office […]

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Sunrise Over the Larzac

December 31, 2005 3

Taken just before we left L’Oustal yesterday morning. I always was a sucker for a red sky in the morning.

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Quiet Reversals

December 31, 2005 0

The Register notes the passage of the ID cards bill through the House of Lords. The article suggests that rather than block the bill in […]

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More Mass Surveillance

December 29, 2005 2

The state wants to record our journeys wherever we go, using its Automatic Number Plate Recognition system (ANPR)… The story has been rumbling in the […]