Harry’s Open Heart Surgery

Harry is a cat. A great big fluffy grey cat. He was featured on the BBC Breakfast programme this morning because he has recently undergone successful open heart surgery. He is the subject of Thursday’s Supervets programme.

Harry had a heart murmur – an abnormal sound detected when listening to the heart with a stethoscope. It was discovered by his local vet when he was three months old.

Not being aware before that this procedure was available for small animals, I was fascinated. The operation was a success and Harry was in the studio looking healthy and fit – a magnificent moggie.

Of course, the inevitable, predictable questions were aired…

How much did it cost? Well, the surgery alone cost £10,000 and the other peripheral treatment added up to as much again, so £20,000 in all. The insurance company picked up the tab.

The next, equally predictable and, frankly, distasteful question just had to be asked.

Was it worth it? Should we really be spending this money on a pet?

The answer given was a good one. Dan Brockman of the Royal College said that if we look upon pets as luxury items and no one bats an eyelid at people spending £150,000 on a car, then why not?

Would I do it if it meant the difference between life and death for one of our cats? Damn right I would. £150,00 on a car? You’ve got to be joking, but £20,000 on a living companion – no question about it.


  1. I’d spend that money to save one of my “babies” too, without even considering what else the money could be spent on!

    You make a great point…we spend too much on things that don’t really matter.

  2. I think more of my cats than I do most human beings. They are most certainly “worth it”.

    I hope Harry has a long, happy life.

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