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Speed Cameras on the M4

April 15, 2005 5

In the UK speed cameras (or euphemistically, using Orwellian Newspeak, “safety cameras”) are springing up all over the place. They are being used to target […]

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April 13, 2005 3

Religion seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. Jonathan’s talking about it, so is Libertine. and damn me if Jane isn’t at it […]

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News & Views Forum Update

April 13, 2005 1

As the forum has built up to nearly 20 members and is generating lively discussion, I took the plunge. I have purchased a hosting package […]

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What kind of Blogger are you?

April 13, 2005 1

Found this via Queenie’s Blog You Are a Pundit Blogger! Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read. Truly appreciated by many, surpassed […]

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Plumbing; Part Deux.

April 8, 2005 0

Oh, well, it’s all done now. Looking at the kitchen, it doesn’t appear radically different. That was, after all, my original intention. The house is […]

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April 8, 2005 5

Plumbing and I don’t mix. We never have. Electricity, I do. A little joinery, yup, no problems. But plumbing – it’s wet and I have […]

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Spyware – Scumbags

April 4, 2005 4

I usually look after system security in our house. While Frankie is an IT technician at work, she really doesn’t want to bother at home. […]

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Assisted Dying

March 25, 2005 1

I wanted to pick up on something that Libertine has been discussing over at his blog – although not specifically about Terri Schiavo. Over at […]