Plumbing; Part Deux.

Oh, well, it’s all done now. Looking at the kitchen, it doesn’t appear radically different. That was, after all, my original intention. The house is a country cottage with a country cottage kitchen. I wanted to make it more ergonomic without changing the character.

So the modern sink that replaces the old (rather manky) porcelain item is now an inset stainless one at the standard height yet I retained the old fascia and with it the character of the original. So now it is not necessary to stoop while using it. The two cabinets are now at the same (standard) height alongside the oven, making a useable kitchen with functional work surfaces. A kitchen that doesn’t look much different to when I started a week ago. It just works better.

And the plumbing? Ah, yes. After the panic of Sunday, I bought a blowtorch, some copper piping, solder pastes and joints. Let’s just say that I’m a dab hand with a blowtorch these days…