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Classic Bikes

December 20, 2004 1

This article in the Telegraph triggered all sorts of memories. Classic bikes have always had an appeal for me – I grew up when the […]

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Tories to Support ID Cards

December 20, 2004 1

This piece of "news" comes as no surprise to me. After all when Michael Howard was Home Secretary, he proposed a similar scheme. The only […]

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Jolly Well Orf!

December 20, 2004 1

I’ll be less prolific during the next couple of weeks – ‘cos I’ll be Here: Mostly, I will be painting and decorating.

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Jesus Born in Bethlehem

December 20, 2004 5

According to a UGOV poll, younger people are ignorant of the basics of Christianity. Well, I won’t claim any surprise – standards of education in […]

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Blunkett Goes

December 20, 2004 1

David Blunkett finally succumbed to the inevitable this evening and resigned. So departs one of the worst Home Secretaries in living memory. For those of […]

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More on Christmas and Stuff

December 18, 2004 2

Further to my comments on Christianity yesterday, I see the Pope has waded in criticising Italian schools’ decisions to cancel nativity plays incase they offend […]

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Cats and Cupboards

December 17, 2004 2

I saw a snippet of an item on BBC Breakfast this morning. Someone had written a book – I didn’t catch the details, and it’s […]

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France’s Tallest Bridge

December 14, 2004 1

Not only does this bridge have a “wow” factor, it is one I’ve watched develop over the last few years. The A75 motorway connects Clermont […]

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December 14, 2004 1

Today I went for a walk with two of my sisters. Since giving up paid employment, my quality of life has improved to the point […]

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Phone Scams

December 14, 2004 2

The Guardian has a story about a recent prosecution by ICSTIS, the premium rate regulator. A Bristol based company was fined £300,000 for promoting a […]