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More on George Galloway

December 6, 2004 4

It seems that George Galloway is busy enjoying the Telegraph’s discomfiture. And, going by this article, so is the Sunday Times. Clearly this newspaper doesn’t […]

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Signs and Portents

December 6, 2004 3

According to the Guardian the signs and portents predict a hard, cold winter much like the one of 1963. I am just about old enough […]

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More on Dinosaurs

December 6, 2004 2

The entry below prompted me to dig out that old book I was talking about. I’ve scanned in one of the pictures – Brachiosaurus in […]

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After Galloway…

December 5, 2004 2

I’ve been waiting for the Telegraph’s response to its humiliating defeat in the libel case brought by George Galloway. In their leader today they reassert […]

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Long Hair

December 5, 2004 6

Over at Confessions of a Libertine Blog, the discussion of men with long hair has cropped (sic) up. I discuss this in some length (groan) […]

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Word of the Year

December 4, 2004 0

According to Merriam-Webster, “blog” is the top word of 2004. It seems blogging is becoming increasingly popular. Well, there’s a newsflash. —–

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December 3, 2004 2

It looks like Lycos bit off more than it could chew. I can’t say I’m over surprised that the anti-SPAM screensaver that Lycos was distributing […]

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Three Wheel Chariots

December 3, 2004 1

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I grew up in a sidecar – at least that’s how it seemed at the time. While my […]

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Civil Servants Beware

December 1, 2004 0

Over at Spyblog, there is a question posed about penalties in the ID Cards Bill. The question being, what happens if a civil servant or […]