Long Hair

Over at Confessions of a Libertine Blog, the discussion of men with long hair has cropped (sic) up. I discuss this in some length (groan) at my website. I’ve had long hair for much of my life. I grew up in the nineteen seventies when men were starting to let their hair grow longer again after the repressive militarist short back and sides that had dominated for most of the twentieth century.

I knew from an early age that short hair just wasn’t me. Every few weeks I was either taken or despatched to the local barber shop and endured the humiliating shearing of my scalp leaving my hair painfully (to me) short. Then came the seventies. . Like most teenagers of the day, I let my hair grow to what is generally known these days as the "awkward stage" – that period where hair is too long to control and too short to tie back or even tuck behind your ears.

As an adult, I settled on a shaped style that hung around my shoulders and I was happy enough. Then a Human Resources manager told me to cut it. This had the undesired (for her) effect of stopping all haircuts from that point onward. It is now down to my mid back and I’m loving it. That HR manager did me a favour and she didn’t even appreciate it.


  1. Even in the 90s, there were plenty of guys who still had long hair. Now it seems that most of them have cut it off. :^/ I’ve seen doctors and lawyers with ponytails, so I don’t understand why anyone else would have a problem with it, especially if it’s clean and there are also long haired women on the job.Visit me @ http://pimme.blog-city.com

  2. I would have told that HR woman that I’d cut my hair when the female employees had to cut theirs just as short…

    Many people think that long hair didn’t appear until the sixties; that men “traditionally” always wore short hair before then. That just shows what little they know about history. Actually men wore what we’d consider long hair for much of history until the mid 19th century.

    During the American Revolution all men had hair long enough to tie back; indeed the British Army mandated queues, that is, braided and wrapped hair, and exactly how long they should be, up until the early 19th century.

    I’ve added you to my list of favorite blog links. Thanks for adding me to your neighbourhood.Visit me @ http://confessionsofalibertine.blog-city.com/

  3. Long-haired geezers web ring needs to be setup!!!

    I understand what you mean about knowing long-hair was for you.

    I applied for a job once some years back, they said I would be required to cut my hair, (the ladies did too) I was skint so I said I’d consider it if they offered me the job but not on spec. I was actually rather pleased that they didn’t!Visit me @ http://redbaron.blog-city.com

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