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Lottery Anniversary

November 6, 2004 0

The UK Lottery is ten years old today. Well, don’t time fly? It seems only the blink of an eye since it was launched. I […]

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On Line Petition

November 5, 2004 0

The guys over at No2ID have started an online petition. Now while they and I have no illusions about the effectiveness of petitions in that […]

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Presidential Election

November 4, 2004 0

As I write this, we are waiting for Ohio to call. However, it is not looking good for Senator Kerry. So, following the debacle that […]

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Technology Today

November 4, 2004 0

As I write this, I am sitting in a hotel room miles away from my computer. So this entry is being compiled using an iPAQ, […]

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November 4, 2004 0

Well the day could have been busier, but we spent much of the time talking to potential clients. We will see whether it has borne […]

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More Post Office Closures

November 1, 2004 0

I commented last week about our post office closing. Now it seems main post offices are set to close. Where will it end? I know […]

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October 31, 2004 0

Railtex is on at the Exhibition Centre in Birmingham this week. If you’re there, why not stop by at the Nexus Training stand and say […]

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Bagel Virus

October 31, 2004 0

The Bagel Virus is doing the rounds again according to the BBC. Usual indications are an email containing the subject line: Re; Re: Hello Re: […]