Some Wonderful Faux Outrage

I see that Anna Raccoon has picked up on the wonderful little smear laced with faux outrage, that is being busily frothed into a hand shandy by the folks at political scrapbook, following a remark made by Tim Worstall.

You may judge for yourself about his comments in the original post, but frankly, you have to be either very dense or plain malicious to come to the conclusion that he was gloating or in any way advocating violence. What we had was an example of colourful metaphor. A bit tasteless given the circumstances? Yeah, possibly, but gloating? No. Not even close. I recall teachers who would threaten to beat the principles of mathematics into recalcitrant pupils –  that was in the days when they could say things like that without being tasered, arrested and accused of child abuse. What they were doing was using metaphor to emphasise a point, just as Worstall was doing here. It’s no different to saying that people should be dragged out and shot in front of their families…

Anyway, what followed the brainless honking and clapping of the sea lions over at political scrapbook at the prospect of a taste of blood, was an email exchange between Worstall and the editor of this execrable little rag. Now, Tim didn’t share his email, but the respondent did. Again, read it for yourself and make up your own mind. Whatever conclusion you may come to regarding the snarky tone Tim adopts (fairly appropriate, I thought), when someone responds to an email with a three-word reply having completely ignored the substance of the correspondence, the word “idiot” is indeed fitting.

As a final thought; this political scrapbook boasts that it is the number 2 left wing blog on Total Politics. Indeed, the editor even has it pretentiously displayed on his email signature. Which begs a fairly obvious question; just how dreadful is number 3?


  1. The amount of worrying these shit bags do, as to whether what they are about to say is totaly politically correct, and harms no animals in the filming, must be leading to an Hiroshima size time bomb of worry related cancers, and heart problems in these pieces of slime.

    It is known that Bismarck would spend WEEKS of 12 hour days, worrying over a speech. These arseholes must do that before they risk saying “hello” to some bastard.

    As to “threats”. C.P.O Mc Gary; “Get that salute correct, or I will rip of your arm and hit you on the head with the soggy end!”

    Aye. We were all SOOOO traumatised. Some are STILL recieving psychaitric care as a result. I mean, well, We were all CONVINCED he MEANT it, weren’t we?

    (Of course, with CPO Mc Gary……) 😐

  2. There’s a three letter description for anyone, regardless of political persuasion, who responds like this to anyone else – ‘Git’.

    And it’s a ‘number two’ site? How very appropriate. Not worth the click.

    • Anyone who advertises how famous their blog is in their email signature is a puffed up poltroon and not someone to take seriously. Twat.

  3. The thing about PC-obsessed lefties (in the main) is that their supposed concern for the feelings and wellbeing of all and sundry – that tediously manifests itself in such contrived demonstrations of righteous outrage – is really nothing of the sort: PC is of course just Newspeak, i.e. a method of controlling thought, word and deed, i.e. a method of oppression. They just like people to *think* of them as selfless, caring types when they’re really just wannabee fascist CUNTS.

  4. I think the comment:

    “Worstall better keep a keen eye over his shoulder from now on.”

    Nicely demonstrates the left’s staggering hypocrisy.

    • That’s probably a fair comment. Tim is often rude, though, so nothing new. The worst that can be said is that it was in bad taste. Certainly no rational reading of it could reach the conclusion that he was gloating. You would have to be pretty warped to reach conclusion. So, on balance, I’m with the “if it pisses them off, he’s doing something right” brigade.

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