The Seller’s Pack

Buried deep in this piece is a comment on the proposals for UK house vendors to produce a seller’s pack. Indeed, if the legislation goes according to plan, it will be a legal requirement in 2006.

I can’t say that I have strong opinions on this particular proposal – I do, however have strong opinions on the matter of buying and selling houses in the UK generally. Sharp practice abounds on both sides of the equation. Each time my parents attempted to move, someone put a spanner in the works by trying to change the arrangements (or price) at the last minute, affecting everyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the chain.

In comparison, our experience in France was the model of simplicity. Providing you are prepared to do your homework, the system works perfectly. If you like the property and wish to buy, you make an offer. The property comes off the market for 10 days while the vendor considers the offer. If it is accepted, the buyer lodges a deposit with either the notiare or the agent. This is refundable only in the event of the buyer not being able to raise finance or the searches throwing up serious problems with the property. At this time, the completion date is agreed.

French banking bureaucracy aside (it can be exceedingly slow), the process is smooth and efficient.