Mobile Phone Masts and Public Health

Okay – I guess I’m going to be a bit controversial here….Moi? Surely not?

A recent court decision allowing a phone mast to be built near a school has been criticised by the local Lib Dem MP who wants it forwarded to the Lords for official challenge.

Let’s get a few things straight here; there is no hard evidence that mobile phone masts cause health problems – just conjecture and media hysteria. Just as there is no hard evidence that mobile phones fry your brains. The people who complain about the siting of masts are doubtless the same people who use a mobile phone themselves and buy their kiddiewinks one to pose with at school. You can’t have it both ways. People who have phones want a signal to use it properly. So the operators need to build masts. This one met the health and safety guidelines, so what is the problem? NIMBYism, that’s the problem. Get real people. Radio waves have been with us long enough for us to decide whether there is a health risk. There isn’t – unless you can get cancer from a crystal set.

I get really peeved at the hysteria and media hype over such stupid things – there are real issues in the world making it a dangerous place to be. This is not one of them.

A couple of generations ago, it wouldn’t be an issue. But then, a couple of generations ago, the British people were made of sterner stuff.