Kilroy Was ‘Ere

So Kilroy finally ditched the odious little Englander party UKIP. Now he has set up his own version Veritas. He chose this name because it is the Latin for “truth”. You would have thought someone who believes “our country is being stolen from us by mass immigration” would have come up with a good old English word for his new party. Anyway, so when is he going to the decent thing by those folk foolish enough to vote for him and resign his seat? That way he can recontest it under his new colours and give those same voters the right to decide whether they want him or his former party to represent them.

Ah, but that would be risking losing his seat in the European parliament, wouldn’t it?


  1. Let’s hope that he turns into another Screaming Lord Sutch.John

    [Longrider replies] At least Screaming Lord Sutch stood for something….remind me, what was it again?

  2. I was watching an interview with the chap who left UKIP and joined him in Veritas and he seemed as thick as pigshit. Yes, he had the plummy Upperclass intonation and the Hugh Grant open-necked shirt and jeans look but he didn’t seem to know what he was going on about.Visit me @

    [Longrider replies] For me, the main issue is that his integrity is undermined from the start if he does not re-contest the seat. Those people who voted UKIP had every reason to expect him to abide by the party whip. His decision to go it alone means that he has let these people down. Therefore, unless he resigns the seat, all the pompous talk of “truth” and “no spin” is just so much bullshit. Then again, do we expect any less?

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