Blunkett Returns

This morning Tony Blair is finalising his ministerial team. The chastened, humbled Prime Minister has bought David Blunkett back into his Cabinet less than five months after he resigned as Home Secretary. So as I suspected, it is business as usual. So much for the “honourable” resignation. There was a time when a minister resigned and stayed resigned. Not any more it seems. Less than five months after his shabby exit from Cabinet, David Blunkett is back with us. Going by his comments yesterday, none of the arrogance and puffed up self-importance has diminished. The drubbing received on Thursday night appears to have had little or no effect on the attitude of this arrogant, conceited and authoritarian government. Mr Blunkett’s return to Cabinet is a two fingered salute to the British people. We have served our purpose, we have returned this authoritarian regime to power. We are no longer needed and may resume our humdrum lives and keep our opinions to ourselves for next four years.

There’s democracy for you.