Animal Wrongs?

There’s an interesting rant over at the Devils Kitchen by Tiny Judas on the rights and wrongs of peoples’ relationship with animals.

Actually, the first part of the rant finds me in complete agreement. The signing of the covenant at Greyfriars Kirk is, indeed, rather more historically significant than the whimsical story about a dog and a grave. Where we diverge is when we get to the animals and people generally:

We live in a society obsessed with animals. In 2002, animal welfare charities made more money than HIV/AIDS charities or chest and heart charities or charities for the blind. People whose lives are destroyed by their lack of sight, who cannot do the everyday things we take for granted; people dying of one of the most terrible illnesses of recent years; people barely able to breath. This is not important when there are animals to care for…

…Animals make stupid people feel better.

Well, I say fuck animals. Fuck animals while there are people dying of AIDS. Fuck animals when we should be learning about the complicated religious history of our country. Fuck animals when you can’t move in London for homeless people asking you for change. Fuck animals when doctors need to try and find ways to save people’s lives.

Um, where to start? Well, I’m not going to get caught up in a guilt trip about suffering in the world that’s for sure. That’s because I didn’t cause it and I resolutely refuse to feel guilty about something I did not directly cause. Sure, there is suffering; it has ever been thus. Sure there are homeless; it has ever been thus. My keeping cats and tortoises has no effect on this one way or the other and I make no apology for it.

I am one of those people who, when I have the funds to spare, will give to animal charities – and I make no apology for that, either. It’s called choice. Charity is all about making choices. Most of us have limited resources, so prioritise where we give. Frankly, given my scant income at the moment, charity very much starts at home – it’s called the Longrider needs to eat charity.

I will, however, renew my RSPB membership this year while managing to resist the urge to dig deep for the appalling Children in Need junket or the latest starving people in Africa-a-thon. Sorry, I don’t want to give and that is that. Call me mean if you wish; that’s my choice, like it or lump it. Your disapproval will change nothing. If you think people charities are more deserving than animal ones, then you give your money to them; don’t lecture me about where to give mine, because it won’t have any effect.

Yes, animals make me feel better. They are fun to be with, they enrich my life. Does that make me stupid? Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but don’t be too surprised if I choose to ignore it or treat that opinion with a degree of contempt. As I type this, I have a cat sitting on my lap gently purring – I wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s my choice.

If you want a puppy, get a puppy. I’m not going to stop you. Call it Bobby—it’s a good name. But for the love of all that is good, don’t let animals blind you to quite how much of a mess we as people are (and have been) in.

Yes, indeed, and it is a mess mostly of our own making. Animals didn’t cause it and being compassionate towards them won’t have any effect on it either way. So I’ll leave the animals out of it.

Update: I notice that TJ has qualified his comments somewhat in the comments section of the Kitchen. Not cricket, that… :dry:


  1. ha.

    Appologies my friend.

    I had a rabbit for a while that was somewhat foistered on us and we got on like a house on fire. Not sure about that cats and the tortoise though!

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