A couple of Quotes

From “Duncan S” on the NO2ID forum, a variation on Pastor Martin Niemöller’s well known piece:

First they banned hunting, but I said nothing because I live in a town.
Then they banned smoking, but I said nothing because I don’t like the smell.
Then they banned Freedom…….

And the final lines of Dylan Thomas’ Do not go gentle into that good night:

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Sums up how I feel at the moment.


  1. I’ve been working on a Niemuller variant for ages. Never got it finished.

    That’s pretty much the exact style I was doing as well, only I started with Asylum seekers (first they went for the asylum seekers, but I did not speak out for they were all bogus).

    Ah well, at least someone has done it. Getting the links for it would’ve been a pain.

    I just emailed my local organiser for No2ID, about time I finally started doing more than just writing about it.

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