That Time of the Year

I know I’ve ranted on this before, but I’m going to again. We’ve just been plagued by the truly egregious trick or treat brigade. Not content with thrusting their pleasures on those who do not appreciate them on one night of the year, we’ve had night after night of whizzes and bangs that are more akin to the Flanders trenches than urban Bristol. I detest fireworks. If others enjoy them, well, that’s fine, but why should I have to put up with the incessant bangs and pops? November the fifth lasts for one night – at least it did the last time I looked at a calendar. But, no, we have to have the best part of two weeks of this crap, making me jump every time a loud bang goes off outside the window.

Surely quiet fireworks aren’t too much to ask for? I realise that we look back with tinted vision, but really, they were not as loud when I was a child as they are now. I certainly don’t recall rockets with an inbuilt twenty-one-gun salute.

Then there’s fucking Christmas. Of all the tacky, irritating, pointless and intrusive advertising campaigns, it is this. Already Asda have a suitably nauseating cute brat fronting their bathetic television ad campaign designed to part parents with their money in the run up to the festive season. “It’s Christmas!” the child shouts as Slade’s tedious jangle jingles annoyingly in the background. No it fucking isn’t. It’s the beginning of November. The beginning of November is not, by any stretch of the fevered imagination, Christmas. Christmas starts in late December. Don’t these fuckwit advertising people have calendars? For fuck’s sake, stop ramming this dreadful holiday down my throat. I won’t be going out shopping and buying your wares because I don’t celebrate the holiday. I don’t celebrate the holiday because I became so goddamned sick and tired of fucking tacky interminable advertising campaigns thrust in my face from the beginning of November for eight continuous weeks. I had enough and stopped playing their game.

Now I just want them to fuck off and die… please.


  1. Agree with you on the early Christmas advertising, but fireworks? Quiet fireworks? 😛

    I don’t think that the intrusion on your personal liberty of loud whizzes, bangs and pops are enough to warrant the prevention of other people’s fun.

    Just watch a war movie or play a game with some kind of shooting and think of it as super surround sound 😆

  2. It’s a wonder that health and safety and the PC brigade have not had the whole lot banned by now. Well maybe next year. Ho ! Ho ! Ho !

  3. I don’t think that the intrusion on your personal liberty of loud whizzes, bangs and pops are enough to warrant the prevention of other people’s fun.

    To be fair, that’s not what I’m suggesting.

    A) They do not need to be so loud for people to enjoy them and..
    B) Guy Fawkes night is November the fifth; not late October to mid November. If people confined themselves to the one night of celebrations, I wouldn’t be ranting. Two weeks worth of pops and bangs is, I feel, reasonable cause for complaint.

  4. Maybe I don’t mind so much because I’m used to aircraft noise and yon motorway 😆

    Actually I find the noise rather relaxing. Weird.

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