Cameron, the new Disraeli?

According to Andrew Tyrie, David Cameron is the new Benjamin Disraeli:

In a pamphlet published tomorrow, Andrew Tyrie says there are signs that Mr Cameron is pursuing the approach first espoused by Disraeli in the 1870s and then by Stanley Baldwin and Rab Butler during the last century.

…there is growing evidence that the Conservative leader is embracing policies emphasising shared national values, high quality public services and an inclusive social policy.

And there the similarity ends. Benjamin Disraeli was a political heavyweight. Cameron is a featherweight in comparison. Mr Tyrie does Disraeli a disservice with his parallel. Unless Cameron actually has some policies up his sleeve that we don’t know about? A clear vision and sense of direction? Some substance beneath the choreographed style?

Thought not.

Mr Tyrie says that One Nation Tories did not believe it was enough to simply demand a “shrink the state” solution.

Doubtless. But it would be a damn fine start.