Quote of the Day

A commenter on Mr E’s blog called “goldfish” discussing the truly appalling Big Brother programme on Channel 4:

Big Brother appears to be the ultimate triumph of the moronic, the ignorant and the desperately insecure.



  1. Yep, it’s chewing gum for the eyeballs. The levels of guttersnipe behaviour demonstrated by the truly lovely Ms Goody and her peers are astounding.

    I had hoped that this was all some sort of witty satire, but it seems – regrettably – that these cretins are for real. Then again, anything sponsored by The Carphone Warehouse is inevitably in dubious taste…

  2. Or in other words, it’s totally and utter fucking bollocks. I abhor racism but did the goings-on within this pitiful dogsknob of a show have to go all the way to the House of Commons? So we now know that some of the z-list ‘celebs’ out there are fucking racists. So what? I don’t have to like what people say but they’re entitled to express themselves how they like. As far as I’m aware, it’s not illegal to express unsavoury views or is it?

  3. [Comment ID #1707 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Agreed, but sadly it’s the case that you can no longer express yourself at all forthrightly. It’s all part of the ghastly control-freakery instituted largely by the NuLab mongs.

  4. “Agreed, but sadly it’s the case that you can no longer express yourself at all forthrightly. It’s all part of the ghastly control-freakery instituted largely by the NuLab mongs.”

    I know and it’s fucking terrifying isn’t it? At least we can still think what we like.

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