News of the World – Just Desserts

The News of the World (no, I won’t link to the festering, loathsome shits) is, without doubt, one of the biggest turds floating in the sewer that is the British Red Top press. Rank hypocrisy and outraged faux moraility while peddling what amounts to soft pornography characterises its appeal to the ignorant masses that buy it and perpetuate its heinous behaviour. For a long time I have wondered whether the slime balls who make others’ lives a misery in order to titillate the Sunday readership would ever get their well deserved comeuppance.

It would seem that the wait is over:

The editor of the News of the World resigned this evening after his paper’s royal editor was jailed for four months for unlawfully intercepting telephone messages from Princes William and Harry.

Oh, my… And these are the people who complain loudly about the peccadilloes of others with fingers pointing, screeching in outraged indignation. How do the mighty fall. Excuse me while I indulge in a little schadenfreude.

Minutes after the verdict Andy Coulson, the News of the World’s editor, announced his resignation, saying that he took “ultimate responsibility” for the behaviour of his reporters.

What’s the expression just waiting to trip off the tongue? Oh, that’s it… good riddance to bad rubbish. Although, bad rubbish doesn’t come close to describing these iniquitous parasites. This isn’t just satisfaction on behalf of the people whose phones these arseholes tapped, it is also a little victory for everyone hounded and entrapped by them.

I do trust that the stay in her Majesty’s prison is a painful one. It is certainly well deserved.


  1. Mark,

    The buck for this should go higher – way higher, all the way to the Fifth Avenue doorway of Keith Rupert Murdoch himself.

    He’s the one who dictates News International’s corporate culture, he’s the one who back-pedalled furiously when the American right screamed blue murder over the OJ Simpson interview and he’s the one whose toes British civic leaders trip over themselves to kiss in the style of Pope Pius XII rather than taking the opinion of those they’re paid to represent.

    Hopefully the Manhattan sewage system was overloaded last night at the thought of the damage this stuff would do to NewsCorp’s share price; and you can rest assured that Liberty Media’s John Maloney, the only other Big Media beast capable of taking on Murdoch on Murdoch’s own terms, will be licking his lips in glee at the thought of the fallout this could cause.

    Imagine how this reads in the USA, where the Royals are more popular than they are here. Employees of a company connected to the mighty Fox News illegally wiretap the Royals? Thismorning, everyone from the National Enquirer to the Washington Post should be all over this case this morning like a cheap suit.

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