BBC NEWS | Health | ‘Don’t leave children with dogs’

Children should not be left alone to play with dogs, doctors say.


Paediatrician Rachel Besser also wrote that dog owners should face mandatory classes on pet control.

BBC NEWS | Health | ‘Don’t leave children with dogs’.


Now let’s get it into perspective, shall we? 4,133 people were bitten last year. Sounds bad – and for those bitten, doubtless it was. Out of a population of 60 million, it is rather small.

Given that man has lived in close proximity to domestic animals since neolithic times and we have not all died from bites, scratches or disease, perhaps the risks are a little overstated here.

If you want your children to be safe with your dog, you might want to consider a Labrador rather than a Pit Bull.

… just a thought…


  1. A labrador has no street cred with the chav, it must be the pit bull type; the more aggresive the better.
    They ought to be licenced, the chavs that is, not the dogs.

  2. Before chavs came about, there were always types who favoured dogs of this sort. In the 80’s there was the skinhead type with the gold sovereign rings and england flag tattoos who wandered about with dobermans straining on the end of chains. Before them it was the alsatian brigade, mainly tough ex-military types.

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