More Home Office Bollocks

More precisely, perhaps, more John Reid bollocks.

It is “highly likely” that terrorists will try to launch attacks in the UK, Home Secretary John Reid has warned

The same cry of “wolf” this obnoxious totalitarian bastard was crying last year when he caused chaos for thousands of travellers during th height of the holiday season. It is not terrorists who are a threat to our way of life, it is the politician who uses the threat of such to crank down on liberty, to create a climate of fear, to make our lives a misery. I avoid flying now; not because I believe batshit Milliband’s bollocks on carbon emissions, but because I refuse to put up with the paranoid security overkill.

Risk is a part of life; get used to it. We all die someday; get used to it. While we live, do we want to do so in a gilded cage with the key held by some thug like John Reid or do we want to live free in the jungle and take our chances? I know what my choice is; what is yours?

h/t NO2ID newsblog