The Mirror Reporters and the Fake Bomb

I’ve been unwell, so blogging has been light this past couple of days. However, I couldn’t let this one pass without comment:

Two Daily Mirror journalists were arrested today after trying to plant a fake bomb on a London Underground train.

The two men, one believed to be Mirror undercover reporter Tom Parry, were arrested this afternoon at Stonebridge Park depot, which is towards the northern end of the Bakerloo Line in north-west London.

They were caught carrying their fake bomb by railway staff who asked what they were doing on the premises and then called the British Transport Police.

They claimed, of course that this was in the national interest – you know, “public safety”. The reality is that they were wasting people’s time that would be better spent dealing with real criminals and genuine risks to public safety. The reality is that once more the British media exposes the slime in which it lurks. Public safety, my foot! This is about flogging more copies of the despicable little rag that employs them. Pair of twats is closer to the mark. I trust they will be vigorously prosecuted – some time behind bars would be in order.